Terms of Service for cinema spine video consultations

Welcome to cinemaspine video consultations's terms of service! By using our services, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Users must be at least 18 years old to use our services.
  2. All information provided during consultations is confidential and should not be shared with third parties by either party in the consult. This also means that information shared to us is protected by HIPPA
  3. Payment for services must be made at the same time you to schedule a video consultation. Link is found in calendar
  4. Consultations are 30 minute blocks
  5. Cancellations are charged full price. You may use a 30 minute time slot within 30 days scheduling permitting. Scheduling must be done in this case by phone 866-DOC-2YOU
  6. The doctor will provide guidance and information during consultations, not medical diagnosis or treatment and WE DO NOT PRESCRIBE. 
  7. No refunds are given under any circumstance
  8. Any misuse of the services for illegal, harmful, or unethical purposes will result in immediate termination of the consultation.
  9. By using our services, you agree to take responsibility for your own health decisions and understand that our experts are not liable for any outcomes resulting from the consultations.

By using our services, you agree to these terms and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.